Which right to march, exactly, Varoufakis is demanding to be upheld?
or a religious politician, being “something akin to a caliph” (a leader and protector of the world’s Muslims) is a more desirable position than “something akin to a sultan.”
The Greek political class kept the wheel steadily pointing West, even after the change of government of 1967, which was the most anti-Western period in our history.
Just as there can be no society without individuals, social responsibility can be nothing more than the sum of individual behaviors.
The reaction of the business owners of Mykonos is understandable, but not at all justified.
Evaluating personal conduct is a necessary tool to ensure that a school operates smoothly and efficiently. But keeping a record of it after one’s school years hardly serves any meaningful purpose.
The situation has reached a point where there are no great solutions anymore. There are only bad solutions and even worse ones.
No sign of progress goes unpunished, and today we are facing increasing calls for regulations to contain the Airbnb market.
Having a reaction to such an event would be strange in any other country. But in the case of Greece, the strange thing was that the criticism of it was largely subdued.
The question is whether the management of a public organization should be permitted to allow the spread of “fake olds” – namely the reproduction of fake news from the internet.
For five years, SYRIZA allied themselves with the most populist and dangerous version of the right.
The latest development in our domestic event horizon was that the main opposition, a party of “the radical left,” accused the government of being on the far right and, at the same time, of being too defensive on national issues.
Faced with the big challenge of the refugee/migrant crisis, we have to discuss all the possible solutions for the country in a sober manner.
The twin refugee and immigration crisis is a major challenge and those in positions of responsibility need to explain to citizens just how difficult a challenge it is.
The immigration/refugee crisis is an international challenge that is bigger than individual governments and countries, even the big and powerful ones.
Tsipras is yearning for the days of 2014 again, but it will never happen. Social and political circumstances have changed too much.
Given that 27.3 percent of students in Greece have trouble understanding simple texts, there is no point debating the “national” or “social” character of history lessons.
Democracy is time-consuming, regardless whether Greece – or any other country for that matter – “cannot wait.”
Fake news is a global problem, but this is not rooted in the nature of new media; it is principally caused by the good old art of distortion.
The momentum right now is positive, but it is geared by expectations. It will be maintained and strengthened only if promises are implemented.